Women dancing with other women!
I see that all the time in the parties of Hispanics. What do you do in a religion where most men are AWOL.?
Did I see uniforms like the scientologists?
https://www.facebook.com/tupuebloesmipueblojehova/videos/578539175868967/?hc_ref=arrvbqq6myd5outlusr6zufmvffwsvr_duxl_fdriuhhniiuesiylhi43gybtziknxwthis video gave me cancer..
Women dancing with other women!
I see that all the time in the parties of Hispanics. What do you do in a religion where most men are AWOL.?
Did I see uniforms like the scientologists?
win my first post i introduced you to tweedle dee and tweedle dum, ( surprise elders visit ).
well last sunday night i got phone call from t- dum, he informed me that t-dee was listening in, no doubt practicing his short hand.
t-dum went on to say how he was concerned that we were making the biggest mistake of our lives, yada yada.
Almost perfect. Step it up a notch and you will be featured in the 2018 JW convention as the poster child of angry mentally diseased apostate. Good job!
tonight i had an argument with both my parents.
my parents are aware of my feelings towards the organization, and it saddens them because i am their first born son.
they had high expectations of me, my father dreamt of him and i serving together as elders.
Selfish? what's wrong with that? It's your life and you may have only one shot at it. Your parents made their choices, now it's your turn. Your parents are unfair and manipulative.
recently quit being a jw because i realised that beyond armageddon i was going to be ruled by people who cover up child abuse, not telling the congregations by their letter where the money they donated in the box is going towards paying compensation for legal battles which they caused, and also i was bullied by elders and discriminated against for being homosexual, even though i am not practicing it.
it wasn't until i threatened legal action for a breach of confidence that the elders were deleted.
so through the media and my own personal experience, i realised that they were no different to corrupt businesses in the world.
Welcome from the U.S. What a problem you have in front of you. What are you going to do with all the freed time that used to be spent in service, preparing for meeting, going to meeting, being in meetings, conventions, dressing for meetings? Use it wisely. Don't join another cult.
my wife and i went to a concert on friday night.
there was a friend of ours there doing security, and she happens to be an exjw too.
she sent me a message on messenger to inform me that my brother and his wife were at the show, not knowing that i'd be there too.
"With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion" Steven Weinberg
Your brother and sister-in-law did not commit an evil act, but the quote still fits. Their natural goodness was suppressed once religion dogma entered their heads.
Excellent movie by itself, but I always appreciate the reminders of the high cost of peace and how fragile it is.
after yesterday's newspaper articles about how jw (mis)handle child abuse cases, today the newspaper reports that both members of the national house of representatives, and the national commissioner on human trafficking and sexual violence against children are petitioning the minister / secretary of state to launch an investigation into jw and other closed religious communities.. the newspaper article (in dutch).
the newspaper also published the personal story of a victim, and how he fought for justice within jw to no avail.this story is from my home town (just few years before i move there), different congregation in the same hall..
Thank you Anders and Redpill. Translation and commentary are appreciated
Oh. I almost forgot. Thank you for the language lesson. I went back and I was able to recognize "Jehovah" at least three times. The "witnesses" part not so well. But it's a start
humor plays a big part in a lot of humanity and we all like a good laugh but as far as i'm aware god's supposed word has no actual humor ,of course apart from being a joke itself ,why wasn't there a passage or something like "jesus farted and giggles broke out among them " or something, is anyone aware of any notations of humor ?
all to.serious really.
"Jehovah is a god of love.. now that's the biggest laugh !!!!"
That's funny, really funny!
What's more funny is how the Bible is interpreted by JW's and other fundamentalists. If it were not for the fact that their interpretation actually hurts and kills people, their comedy would be better than the Monty Python
after yesterday's newspaper articles about how jw (mis)handle child abuse cases, today the newspaper reports that both members of the national house of representatives, and the national commissioner on human trafficking and sexual violence against children are petitioning the minister / secretary of state to launch an investigation into jw and other closed religious communities.. the newspaper article (in dutch).
the newspaper also published the personal story of a victim, and how he fought for justice within jw to no avail.this story is from my home town (just few years before i move there), different congregation in the same hall..
Sounds good. Actually scratch that. I have no idea what the heck they are saying in the radio. Not one word. Could you give us the gist of it?
thought i'd start a separate discussion on the subject.. those who know me know i'm struggling with faith; i want to believe, some days i do but it becomes difficult.. many believers say there is verifiable proof of jesus' existence outside of the bible.. please post this proof..
You seem to want to believe that Jesus existed. Not much evidence, but most experts believe that he did. Now the important question is, was he divine? For that question the evidence is a big ZERO, but two billion people believe it today. It's a matter of faith, or if I use a synonymous sentence, it's a matter of gullibility. Faith is put in our heads at a time when we are the most gullible, when we are children, so most of us were subject to religious indoctrination and evidence was never offered. Faith, humility, hope, obedience are not virtues. They are tools other humans use to control you.